G'day mate! |
Londoners and New Yorkers! Okay,
let’s move on straight to what I would like to emphasize in this post which is,
“English as communication language in our daily life”. (Aww, sound like English
essay to me… Ha-ha!)
In our
country, Malaysia,
as we all know that English is our second language to be spoken of. Top
priority for the MNC companies (even locals nowadays) when jobseekers are seeking
for job. And, English has acknowledged long before as a world language. So here
is a thing… How come there is still an issue when our peoples try to practise
English in their daily life?
We can
still hear a buzzing, sarcasm jokes towards peoples that tried to speak or
write in English. Well, I just want to know one thing from this so-called
professional judge about the main reason why there are so mean towards others? Oh,
maybe you’re an English advanced practitioner so you can’t stand out hearing
others try to speak in broken English which make your ears bleed? Or-or, you
just envy when somebody else try to improved their English ‘cause you either ain’t
better than them or perhaps worst in English, yet too ashamed and too lazy to
improve yourself like them?
I, myself, have
to admit that I ain’t good in English either, but I do love to learn it ‘cause
I know if I don’t take any initiative to make myself better, who else? Learn as
much as you can get. Internet nowadays make almost nothing is impossible. Age,
times, peoples’ critics are just the bullshit excuses made by this lazy
bonehead which end up achieve nothing in life other that regrets and whining
about what they could achieve if they’re act different in their youth time. Huh,
such a bummers!
There are
two types of people when they are speaking in English:
Group A
“I… I… Will try my best to speak… To speak in English.”
Well, they’re
trying their best to speak but have difficulty to spill out the words. This
type of people that we should encouraged them to speak in English!
Group B
“Well, make up I semua branded product je. You tahukan I allergic dengan barang cheap! But-but, I takde intention nak kutuk barang-barang cheap ni... Hikhik!”
They only know
how to put the words of “I” and “you”, in the sentence just for their conveniences or perhaps to look more classy(?). Okay, this type of group should be kicking at their
ass 'cause they’re just wanted to showing off their asses! Bimbos! Woaho!
So peoples,
let’s start brush up our English and never ever ever underestimated others when
they’re trying to improve their weaknesses!
p/s: Err... Happy wordless Wednesday peeps?? Ha-ha !
Pictures credit: Mr Google