Lovely, isn't it? |
OMG! I found this piece at Jusco in IOI Mall when I went for window-shopping with my lovely friends. It is in red velvet and I think I felt in love at the first sight... Woaho! So, I try it on in the fitting room, posed for a few minutes... give a big sighed then, put it back where it belong... Haha! That is my habit when I can't buy it at that moment. Damn, my wages will be on next week though, so it is a big no-no for me now. It's only RM 36.00, yet I can't afford it (sigh!) Why... why do I meet you now, my lovely cardi??!!
InsyaAllah, it still will be there when I want to buy it next time. (Hah! self-comfort statement)
However, I do bought something to cheer-up myself! Haha A nice, cute bangle cause lately I felt my hand a little bit dull without any accessories. It's cute, don't you think so?
RM10 for this bangle...worthy!! |
p/s: I am cheapskate. So what? You got problem with that?? Haha joke!
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